lundi 17 mars 2008

fire baptism always cleanse and refine my soul

Kiss of Release


Helen, had I known yesterday
That you could dishcare the ache
Out of the wound,
Had I know yesterday you could take
The turgid electric ache of away,
Drink it up in the ground
Of your soft white body, as lightning
Is drunk from an agonised sky by the earth,
I should have hated you, Helen.

But since my limbs gushed full of fire,
Since from out of my blood and bone
Poured a heavy flame
To you, earth of my atmosphere, stone
Of my steel, lovely white flint of desire,
You have no name,
Earth of my swaying atmosphere,
Substance of my inconsistent breath,
I cannot but cleave to you, Helen.

Since you have drunken up the drear
Death-darkened storme, and death
Is washed from the blue
Of my eyes, I see you beautiful, and dear.
Beautiful, passive and strong, as the breath
Of my yearning blows over you.
I see myself as the winds that hover
Half substanceless, and without grave worth.
But you
Are the earth I hover over.
(D.H Lawrence)

drink of me

The Appeal

You, Helen, who see the stars
As mistletoe berries burning in a black tree,
You surely, seeing I am a bowl of kisses
Should put your mouth to mine and drink of me.

Helen, you let my kisses steam
Wasteful into the night's black nostrils; drink
Me up, I pray; oh you, who are Night's bacchante,
How can you from my bowl of kisses shrink?
(D.H Lawrence)

sighs, I wish such poems were for me, when I read them I smiled, just like I smile reading Rumi.
All those souls that resonates with my intense need to express the passions inside of me.

Free Tibet

On a more serious thing, I want to draw your attention.
We can say whatever we want.
This is not normal that there will be Olympic Games in such a country.

I have of course nothing against China for the beauty, the culture, the people but the politics is unfair,and that oppression of Tibet is unbearable...It's been ages now!
I know our countries dont have the right to interfere in other countries problems, well especially if there is no petrol(laughing ironically)

oh well, it just pisses me off...
I am going to check what I can do, more actions.more showing and awakening the awareness of people around here.
we still can demonstrate and support Tibet with communication of ideas and works.

To your blessings

To all these juggler of words and poetic Souls
Your pages moved me along my shore
Your river of inks and the mutual begging for Encores
The marine depths of this world need gems like yours
How blessed I am petite Nobody Mermaid of writings
Not to be alone in those darkest and coldest streams

I breathe newness in your verbose or enigmatic flows
I pick petals of glow in your words where to write my own stories
I feel humbled everytime you write kindness on my wings
And you all come to me for we're the same Echoes
Of strange aloneness and intellectual yearnings
Thirst for wholeness with shared darkness & dreams

Mais l'ange...

Ange, mes ailes sur les tiennes, défroissées
Esprits découpés dans les mêmes nuages
Mélange de nos désirs qui se sont perdus
Mais l'ange de nos sourires de douleurs aux couleurs perdues
Sait dire que "je t'aime" a toujours le même sens
Aux souvenirs éternels des incandescences
Tant de mots embrassés sur ma peau
Ange,des vagues de toi se perdent encore dans mon cou
Les fantômes de nos âmes aux jours éternelles continuent d'écrire
Dans une autre réalité à la lueurs des soupirs

Angel, my wings on yours,smoothed out
Spirits cuts in the same clouds
Mix of our lost desires
But the angel of our painful smiles with faded colors
Still knows that saying " I love you" keeps the same meaning
To the aeonic reminiscence of our incandescences
So many kissed words on my skin
Angel, waves of you, are still losing themselves along my neck
The ghosts of our soul with eternal daylight keep on writing
In another reality at the gleam of our sighs

Her soul would follow this strangest gleam blindly to the darkest swamps

Erase all the whys the ones after the others
A pure massacre for the sake of moments of Life
A little peaceful graveyard of question marks before our grins
The glaring of this beautiful new calling
Open the path behind the naked trees
where the banshee was coveting some aching crow
That chose the wisdom of silence over passionate poetry
Not matter how amazing the godawful visions can be
When the doors opens before you you enter or you flee

La vérité ne s'écrit pas

Then perhaps you'll be allowed to give her another name
But if she gives all her pages where mysteries will still lie

Swim This World With Me

"And Im sucked in by the wonder and Im fucked up by the lies
And I dig a hole to lie in and I build some wings to fly
And I think that I could love you cause you know how to be free
I want you to come walk this world with me.

With the light in our eyes its hard to see
Holding on and on til we believe
With the light in our eyes its hard to see
Im not touched but Im aching to be
I want you to come, I want you to come
I want you to come walk this world with me.

And its burning in our fingers and its burning on the road
And I like the way youre broken and Ill like you when youre old
And I see you in the garden and I feel you plant the seed
I want you to come walk this world with me."
(extract of lyrics by Heather Nova)

Love this song!passionate!

and how beautiful to dream a world trip, crossing oceans, deserts, forest, countries, oh I'd love to do a road trip or walking and taking boats, buses,trains and all around the world, that would be the most nurturing experience...

being away always, always something new to see, no boredom, no habits, everyday new pictures to take, new kind of people to meet, different sunsets/sunrises...
aaah sighs
I'm a Hippie ^______^

desperate sighs...
Life is so very real and I am so into surreal experiences...walking away from all that is just too settled too normal...yet I love comfort.

I wish I could do something crazy.if only I had the money.
for such a trip I'd need music,blank journals and a good camera.

when I was younger, I could imagine such a trip alone, nowadays with all the things happening to women, raped, beaten, murdered...I would not risk it.

And I am fascinated by the spiritual man
I am humbled by his humble nature
What I wouldn't give to find a soulmate
Someone else to catch this drift
And what I wouldn't give to meet a kindred
Enough about me, let's talk about you for a minute
Enough about you, let's talk about life for a while
The conflicts, the craziness and the sound of pretenses
Falling all around...all around
Why are you so petrified of silence
Here can you handle this?

Did you think about your bills, your ex, your deadlines
Or when you think you're gonna die
Or did you long for the next distraction
And all I need know is intellectual intercourse
A soul to dig the hole much deeper
And I have no concept of time other than it is flying
If only I could kill the killer

All I really want is some peace man
a place to find a common ground
And all I really want is a wavelength
All I really want is some comfort
A way to get my hands untied
And all I really want is some justice...

(lyrics by Alanis morrissette)

I m feeling good.saw my parents this weekend which gave me new energies well at least for the soul fatigue:)
my body is still out of order...
but I smile more, this week will not have the same dress than the last, not even the same face.

I am feeling inspired, but mostly for photography and photoshop work.
I have begun a painting last week and no strength to go on later...

Still a month before my moving.

I still have so much to do to handle all of my outter life, when all I take care of and indulge in is my inner life.

I also have many issues, big financial issues, but I have decided to use humour and laugh at it, with pessimistic optimism:)
like you know it could be much worse yes it could ^_____^;;
and well I'm getting used, I am hopeful...I have to be.

Many little things have made me see things clearer though I still need to learn,read and balance my soul and my passionate mind.

1 commentaire:

Marie a dit…

Hey beautiful! I can see you're still passionate and bringing beauty to this amazing Earth even when it is torn and seemingly hopeless....I love people like you in my life...when it is still snowy or cold, you are my Spring...God bless you my dear faery friend! LOVE THE PHOTOSHOP PICS!!!! I'll have to post some of my art/drawing...I'm getting better...still can't do what others are doing, but there is a definite growth, and it shall assist me in my soul's work...Happy Easter!